Sunday 23 September 2012


Raise your hands if you can’t help looking forward to next Sunday, 8 pm, premiere of the most fabulous ABC fairytale’s second season! I am counting down days and minutes, at the same time asking myself: ‘Why is that? What’s so addictive in this story? Am I insane or do I really want to believe in the magic of powerful feelings?’

Well, let’s try answering: as for me the greatest value of this show are strong women: not only the Evil Queen bending whole universe to her will but also Snow White with surprising underactions as a rogue bandit and Gretel the older sister winning over cannibalistic Blind Witch

Equally strong in both real and magical worlds are Cinderella bravely defending her new-born child, beautiful Belle deciding to live with the beast to save her father’s kingdom, as well as Ruby the not-Little very-Red Wolfing Hood... and even Abigail the princess generously releasing her ‘husband-to-be’ after she discovered he was in love with other – to me she counts as an independent, positive personality too.

But obviously ‘the strongest of them all’ is a female leading character, Emma Swan, mother fighting for her child so many times in so many ways stereotypically believed to be ‘male roles’: in the mine after earthquake, against the dragon monster, against the city mayor... She’s a butt-kicker, intelligent detective, courageous feminine taking all the neccessary actions. Smart, professional and lonely. So realistic even in the very middle of fantasy world.

Anyway all the women in season one are totally anti-Disney creations. They make their own choices, live with consequences, try to change unbearable – with or without men’s help... Yeah, what about male characters? Is it just my impression or do they really seem braver, bolder, more valiant in the fairy world than in reality?? Then what happens to boys in our 21st century globalised civilisation, the example of which is Storybrooke? Why Pinocchio abandons small Emma? Why David Nolan doesn’t defend Mary Margaret as she defended him? Why sheriff Graham is Regina’s puppet?...

And the magic... This TV series helped me understand that magic does exist in our world – that our human emotions are magic, for some of us entirely mysterious, for others recognizable by intuition. Once I’ve read so true sentence: ‘you can’t control your feelings, only what you do about them’ – and the most omnipotent people are these who can take this control in their own hands.

Last but not least: I personally adore the episodes’ titles with double and sometimes triple meaning! “The Price of Gold” is a great example – in a fairy world that’s the price Cinderella must pay for Rumplestiltskin financial help while in a real life that’s the deal Emma makes with Mr. Gold. The same about “Skin Deep” or “Red-Handed”. 

I must admit I’m also a little bit afraid if season two will fulfil my both feministic and child-like expectations for true values shown in a unique way. Still I have seven days to wait. Are you counting them down with me or not?:)